Health Sciences In The Media Tucson doctors: Mammograms starting at age 40 likely to save lives May 26, 2023 The Food and Drug Administration has lowered the recommended age to start breast cancer screenings to 40, with the intent of catching the disease early. Arizona Daily Star Dr. Weil offers his ‘conspiracy theory’ for better sleep May 25, 2023 Andrew Weil, MD, founder and director of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine in the College of Medicine – Tucson, delivered a keynote address at the bedding industry's annual conference last week at the J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort. Furniture Today Phoenix Children's and UArizona research institute created to bolster pediatric cures, treatments May 25, 2023 The Phoenix Children's pediatric health care system and the College of Medicine – Phoenix on Thursday announced the creation of the Phoenix Children's Research Institute at the College of Medicine – Phoenix, a collaboration that will allow clinicians to accelerate research efforts. Greater Phoenix in Business Recently published UArizona Health Sciences study uncovers new details about long COVID May 25, 2023 A new National Institutes of Health study provides an expanded working definition of long COVID. UArizona Health Sciences researchers lead one of 15 adult cohorts that contributed to the research. The Arizona Republic There is no evidence strong enough to end the pandemic-origins debate May 24, 2023 In March, an international team of scientists reported detecting genetic data they said conclusively linked COVID-19 to wild animals sold at a market in Wuhan, China. The Atlantic Do you really need a top sheet? We asked an expert to settle the debate May 23, 2023 Using top sheets on beds and washing them regularly can minimize your body's exposure to things like germs, bacteria and feces in bed. NBC Today Show UArizona researchers find Americans are split on trusting AI with health care May 22, 2023 A study found that Americans are split on whether they can trust artificial intelligence technology in their health care. The research team found that most patients aren’t convinced the diagnoses provided by AI are as trustworthy of those delivered by human medical professionals. KGUN-TV (Tucson, AZ) Serious mental illness often emerges in young adulthood. Here's how to get help May 22, 2023 The National Institute of Mental Health estimates about 5% of the U.S. population suffers from some sort of serious mental illness. The EPICenter offers early intervention and treatment for people between the ages of 15 and 35 who have recently experienced an episode of psychosis. The Arizona Republic Scientists have discovered why we wake up earlier as we get older May 22, 2023 People tend to wake up earlier as they get older due to the brain becoming less responsive as people age to factors such as sunlight, social cues and physical activity, which indicate where in the day we are at any given time. MSN UK The future of Steele: Researchers advance on pediatric cancer, disease May 19, 2023 At University of Arizona Steele Children’s Research Center, a cadre of talented researchers, physicians and community partners are paving the road to reinvent and revitalize the wheels of research. BizTucson Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page … 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 … Next › Next page Last » Last page
Tucson doctors: Mammograms starting at age 40 likely to save lives May 26, 2023 The Food and Drug Administration has lowered the recommended age to start breast cancer screenings to 40, with the intent of catching the disease early. Arizona Daily Star
Dr. Weil offers his ‘conspiracy theory’ for better sleep May 25, 2023 Andrew Weil, MD, founder and director of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine in the College of Medicine – Tucson, delivered a keynote address at the bedding industry's annual conference last week at the J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort. Furniture Today
Phoenix Children's and UArizona research institute created to bolster pediatric cures, treatments May 25, 2023 The Phoenix Children's pediatric health care system and the College of Medicine – Phoenix on Thursday announced the creation of the Phoenix Children's Research Institute at the College of Medicine – Phoenix, a collaboration that will allow clinicians to accelerate research efforts. Greater Phoenix in Business
Recently published UArizona Health Sciences study uncovers new details about long COVID May 25, 2023 A new National Institutes of Health study provides an expanded working definition of long COVID. UArizona Health Sciences researchers lead one of 15 adult cohorts that contributed to the research. The Arizona Republic
There is no evidence strong enough to end the pandemic-origins debate May 24, 2023 In March, an international team of scientists reported detecting genetic data they said conclusively linked COVID-19 to wild animals sold at a market in Wuhan, China. The Atlantic
Do you really need a top sheet? We asked an expert to settle the debate May 23, 2023 Using top sheets on beds and washing them regularly can minimize your body's exposure to things like germs, bacteria and feces in bed. NBC Today Show
UArizona researchers find Americans are split on trusting AI with health care May 22, 2023 A study found that Americans are split on whether they can trust artificial intelligence technology in their health care. The research team found that most patients aren’t convinced the diagnoses provided by AI are as trustworthy of those delivered by human medical professionals. KGUN-TV (Tucson, AZ)
Serious mental illness often emerges in young adulthood. Here's how to get help May 22, 2023 The National Institute of Mental Health estimates about 5% of the U.S. population suffers from some sort of serious mental illness. The EPICenter offers early intervention and treatment for people between the ages of 15 and 35 who have recently experienced an episode of psychosis. The Arizona Republic
Scientists have discovered why we wake up earlier as we get older May 22, 2023 People tend to wake up earlier as they get older due to the brain becoming less responsive as people age to factors such as sunlight, social cues and physical activity, which indicate where in the day we are at any given time. MSN UK
The future of Steele: Researchers advance on pediatric cancer, disease May 19, 2023 At University of Arizona Steele Children’s Research Center, a cadre of talented researchers, physicians and community partners are paving the road to reinvent and revitalize the wheels of research. BizTucson